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About Me



Hey, I’m Carly, the face and heart behind the High Vibes Hub.

My journey into spirituality and the Law of Attraction began around 2016 when I watched Emma Mumford, then known as the "Coupon Queen,” document her spiritual awakening on her YouTube channel. Intrigued, I fell into a rabbit hole of LOA videos, read "The Secret," and listened to all the podcasts, but life happened, and I never really put what I had learnt into practice until more recently.

In 2022, my 14-year relationship with my husband came to an end, and suddenly my life was going in a totally different direction than I thought it would. It was then what I had learned over the years began to manifest in my life. Call it divine timing.

I grew curious about crystals and how I could use them to help me through this difficult time. I bought myself a rose quartz (the ultimate beginners crystal) and found that carrying it with me just gave me a sense of assurance that everything would be okay. From then I was hooked and have bought many more crystals since, learning all I can about them, which has also lead to learn about more spiritual practices too.

Through my own journey of self-discovery, the idea of the HVH was born, a space where I can share the power of crystals with others embarking on their own journey of healing and self-discovery. The HVH is not just about selling some pretty crystals though; it's about creating a community of high vibes and positive energy that inspires you to lead the live you truly deserve.

I am still very much on my own personal journey and have some much more to learn about crystals and the power they hold. Through sharing my own journey, I aim to inspire, guide, and empower others to discover their own power within themselves.

I hope you will join me in this journey and I can’t wait to see where it takes us!